

Orig. in Davis, Calif. by R.S. Bringhurst and Victor Voth, Agr. Expt. Sta., Univ. of California. Introd. in 1983. Plant patent 5266, 31 July 1984; assigned to Regents, Univ. of California, Davis. Cal 70.3-117 (sister of Brighton) × Cal. 71.98-605 (Tufts × 63.7-101 (parent of Pajaro). Cross made in 1975; first fruited in 1976; selected in 1977: tested as Cal 75.71-107 and CN18. <b>Fruit:</b> larger than Tioga: medium to long conic with some flat and wedge-shaped; internally somewhat hollow; skin darker than Tioga, bright, and attractive: flesh same color as skin with somewhat lighter ring around the core, firmer than Tioga, Tufts, Aiko, Pajaro, or any of the other day-neutrals. <b>Plant:</b> semierect, larger than Hecker: for winter and summer plantings as well as at times when short-day plants will only produce runners; fruits about 3 months after planting. Named for La Selva Beach near Santa Cruz, Calif.