

Orig. in Jackson Springs, N.C., by F.E. Correll and C.N. Clayton, North Carolina Agr. Expt. Sta. Introd. in 1972. Redskin selfed. Cross made in 1958, first fruited 1961, tested as NC 8969. <b>Fruit:</b> large, 2 1/2 × 2 3/4 inches in diam.; round, symmetrical; skin light yellow, three-fourths covered with bright red blush, attractive; flesh bright yellow, resistant to browning, very little red pigment except in pit cavity, firm, texture; fine, melting, flavor excellent; freestone, for freezing, canning and fresh market; ripens with Loring, 1 1/2 weeks before Elberta. <b>Tree:</b> spreading; vigor moderate; productive; flower large, showy, selffertile; leaf glands reniform; moderate resistance to bacterial spot. Chilling requirement 800 to 850 h.