

Orig. in Ontario, Calif., by Walter E. Lammerts, Armstrong Nurseries. Introd. in 1944. Plant patent 529; 30 June 1942; Walter E. Lammerts, assignor to Armstrong Nurseries. Babcock × Mayflower; selected in 1941. <b>Fruit:</b> medium to small, up to 2 3/8 inches in diam., larger than Mayflower, fairly uniform; globose, symmetrical; skin yellow, highly blushed, thin, tender, free when fully ripe, pubescence short and abundant; flesh yellowish white, firm, melting, fibers few and tender, flavor mild, sweet with slight acid, aroma pronounced; semi-clingstone, small; ripens very early, with Mayflower, about 1-10 June at place of origin; resembles Babcock. <b>Tree:</b> resistant to delayed foliation in mild winter climates, being similar to Babcock; bears annually and well; medium large, medium vigorous; flower very large, petals pink.