

Orig. in Weymouth, N.J., by F.V. Coville and O.M. Freeman, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) and the New Jersey Agr. Expt. Sta. Introd. in 1952. GM-37 Gersey × Pioneer) × CU-5 (Stanley × June); cross made in 1934 by Coville and Freeman; seedling raised in Weymouth, N.J.; selected in 1941 by J.H. Clarke (then of the New Jersey Agr. Expt. Sta.) and George M. Darrow, USDA; tested as N.J. 17-19. <b>Fruit:</b> cluster large, medium loose; berries roundish-oblate; skin very light blue; flesh very firm; subacid, flavor good; resistant to cracking; dessert quality above medium; moderately aromatic; scar small; ripens rnidseason, about 4 days before Berkeley; stem sometimes clings to berry. <b>Bush:</b> upright; spreading; vigorous; leaf size medium to below medium; very consistent producer; hardy; drought resistant. For many years, the world's most important blueberry cultivar.