

Orig. in Riverside, Calif., by Howard B. Frost, California Citrus Expt. Sta. Introd. in 1935. King × Willow leaf; selected in 1925. <b>Fruit:</b> large, up to 3 inches in diam., averaging three to five per lb; medium to slightly oblate, uniform; skin yellow-orange, larger oil glands very conspicuous; rind thin, smooth, peels poorly, rather tough; pulp segments 9-12, separating fairly easily, deep yellowish-orange, moderately tender, very juicy with a unique and very pleasant aroma, sugar very high, flavor very rich, excellent; 12-24 medium size, polyembryonic seeds; ripens December to February in California desert areas, February to May in California coastal areas. <b>Tree:</b> tends to bear alternately; vigorous; tall, erect.