

Orig. in Riverside, Calif., by Howard B. Frost and James W. Cameron, California Citrus Expt. Sta. Introd. in 1950. King tangor × Dancy tangerine; selected in 1925. <b>Fruit:</b> large, 4-6 1/2 per lb, averaging 16% larger than Dancy; oblate, neck usually absent, more angled than Dancy; skin pebbled, deep orange to red-orange; rind about 2 to 3 1/2 mm thick, peels easily, oil glands numerous with pleasant aroma; core slender; puffs earlier and more rapidly than Dancy; segments separate easily; pulp yellow-orange, vesicles stout, usually tender, very juicy, aroma of juice pleasant; flavor and texture very good; seeds small, 9-13 per fruit; ripens early, 3-4 weeks before Dancy, with a short picking season of December and January; resembles Dancy. <b>Tree:</b> vigor rather low; nonproductive under hot desert conditions, e.g., Coachella Valley in southern California; best adapted to southern California navel orange districts. Frua is the Esperanto word for "early" taken from the German früh.