

Early season, producing very crisp, juicy fruit with good storability and shelf life. Origin: Fernelmont, Franc-Waret, Belgium, by J. Nicolaï, P. Van Laer, J. Keulemans, H. Eyssen, E. Pauwels, and I. De Wit. Elstar × Delcorf; crossed 1988; selected 1994. USPP 19,473; 25 Nov. 2008. Fruit: size medium, 55 mm height and 63 mm diameter; deep basin with calyx-end crowning; oblong conical with weak ribbing; ~75% orange-red striped overcolor on yellow-green ground color; flesh yellow, crisp, juicy, firm, strongly aromatic, slightly rough; matures very early, 14 d before Gala; keeps well on tree and 6 weeks in storage with 14-d shelf life. Tree: average vigor; orthotropic spreading habit, 75-85° crotch angles; annual bearing, with slight tendency to biennial bearing; average precocity; good heat tolerance.