Vista Bella

Vista Bella

Orig. in New Brunswick, N.J., by L. Fredric Hough and Catherine H. Bailey. Introd. in 1974. 77349 (67634 × 122137) × Julyred. 67634 = Melba × Sonora, 122137 = (Williams × Starr) × USDA34. Cross made in 1956; selected in 1962; tested as NJ36. <b>Fruit:</b> medium large; round to slightly oblate; skin yellow-green ground color with up to 75% blushed with medium red, attractive; flesh creamy white, crisp; ripens with Melba, better shelf life than other varieties of same season; dessert variety. <b>Tree:</b> size standard; upright spreading; productivity good, but will alternate if allowed to overbear; widely adapted.