

Orig. in Morioka, Iwate, Japan, by Y. Yoshida, T. Haniuda, S. Tsuchiya, T. Sanada, T. Masuda, and H. Bessho, Morioka Branch, Fruit Tree Res. Sta., in cooperation with Don McKenzie, DSIR Res. Sta., Havelock North, New Zealand. Gala × Akane; cross made in New Zealand in 1969; selected at Morioka in 1981; tested as Morioka #42. Introd. in 1986. USPP 6519; 10 Jan. 1989. <b>Fruit:</b> medium, 200 to 250 g; conical; skin bright red on yellow-green ground, some russet around basin; flesh whitish yellow, crisp, fine texture, not firm but is crisp, juicy, slow browning; good sugar/acid balance; excellent dessert quality; quality still excellent after one month storage. Ripens early, 1 week before Gala. <b>Tree:</b> vigor moderate to moderately weak; upright-spreading; precocious; very productive. Some genetic chlorosis of leaves. Blooms with Gala. Resistant to Alternaria blotch and rust (Gymnosporangium yamadae).