Lodi (Early Golden, Golden Lodi, Improved Early Transparent, Large Transparent)

Lodi (Early Golden, Golden Lodi, Improved Early Transparent, Large Transparent)

Orig. in Geneva, N.Y., by Richard Wellington, New York State Agr. Expt. Sta. Introd. in 1924. Montgomery × Yellow Transparent; cross made in 1912. Fruit: larger, keeps longer, does not grow mealy and soften at center as quickly as Yellow Transparent; skin yellow, thick; flesh firm, crisp, flavor rich, sprightly; ripens later than Yellow Transparent, ripens in July in the rnidwestern U.S.; culinary and fresh uses; resembles Yellow Transparent. Tree: large; tends to bear in alternate years, can be made annually productive through proper use of blossom thinning sprays.