

Orig. in Geneva, N.Y., by Roger D. Way, New York State Agr. Expt. Sta. Introd. in 1972. McIntosh × Jonathan; cross made in 1944, selected in 1955, tested as New York 44428-5. <b>Fruit:</b> McIntosh type; size medium; round; skin attractive dark red blush, some stripe, 90% red, heavy waxy bloom; flesh nearly white, moderately firm, soft when fully ripe, eating quality good, superior to McIntosh; fair storage quality; ripens 8 days before McIntosh; less prone to fruit drop than McIntosh; dessert variety, not suitable for processing. <b>Tree:</b> size medium; upright-spreading; moderate vigor, productive; susceptible to apple scab; moderately tolerant to fire blight; good pollenizer for early and midseason varieties.