Ginger Gold™
Orig. in Nelson Co., Va., as a seedling growing in a Winesap orchard planted in 1980 by Clyde H. and Ginger Harvey, Arlington, Va. Introd. in 1989. First crop in 1984. USPP 7063; 5 Dec. 1989. Assigned to Adams County Nursery, Aspers, Pa. <b>Fruit:</b> resembles Golden Delicious; medium-large; color green to gold, nonrusseting; shape round to oblate; flesh white, slow oxidizing, firm, juicy, good flavor, pressure test 18 to 19 lb.; soluble solids, 11.5%. Harvest 5 weeks before Golden Delicious; fruit hangs well. Keeps exceptionally well in storage for an early cultivar. <b>Tree:</b> medium vigorous; spreading; productive; precocious; hardy; blooms late with Golden Delicious. Susceptible to fire blight and powdery mildew.