Geneva Early

Geneva Early

Orig. in Geneva, N.Y., by New York State Agr. Expt. Sta., Cornell Univ. Introd. in 1982. Quinte × Julyred. Cross made in 1964; selected in 1973; tested as NY 444. <b>Fruit:</b> large for its season, round­oblate; flesh cream-colored; subacid and aromatic, eating quality excellent, semifirm to soft; skin 60% to 100% red, mostly solid blush, sometimes striped; storage life less than 1 week. One of earliest ripening of all varieties, 1 Aug. in Geneva, sometimes as early as 13 July, requires two to three pickings. <b>Tree:</b> vigor good; effective pollenizer for early and rnidseason varieties; highly susceptible to fire blight and cedar-apple rust (Gymnosporangium junipieri­viriginianae) and apple scab (Venturia inaequalis). For home orchards, pick-your­own, or roadside markets.