

Orig. in Geneva, N.Y., by Robert C. Lamb, New York State Agr. Expt. Sta. Introd. in 1983. NY 18492 (Macoun × Antonovka) × NY 49821-46 [Golden Delicious × F2 26829-2-2 (Rome × M. floribunda 821 × Rome × M. floribunda 821)]. Cross made in 1958; selected in 1965. USPP 5723; 22 Apr. 1986. <b>Fruit:</b> large; oblate; skin covered with 80% bright red stripes on yellow background; flesh cream-colored, firm, medium-fine, tender, and juicy; flavor sprightly subacid; quality good; will keep in refrigerated storage until January; for fresh market, sauce, and juice. <b>Tree:</b> vigorous, spreading; very productive, precocious; hardy; blooms 15 May at Geneva or 3 days after McIntosh, good pollenizer; resistant to apple scab, cedar apple rust, powdery mildew, and fire blight, can be grown without fungicide or bacterial sprays, named to indicate this resistance.