

Orig. in Oakville, Wash., by Lloyd Lonborg. Introd. in 1965. Parentage unknown; discovered in 1955; selected in 1962. <b>Fruit:</b> medium length, stout; basin medium narrow, deep, abrupt, smooth; calyx medium large, usually open with stamens visible; skin thick, smooth, greenish yellow to full yellow with occasional pinkish blush on exposed side; dots fairly large, some russeted; flesh white to cream colored, medium-fine textured, crisp, breaking and moderately juicy at prime maturity, becoming medium soft; flavor pleasantly mild, subacid, not noticeably aromatic; ripe 3 to 4 weeks before Golden Delicious, slightly earlier than McIntosh, keeps well in cold storage. ResemblesGolden Delicious. <b>Tree:</b> moderate vigor, upright, spreading, moderately productive, fruiting on twigs and spurs. Resistant to apple scab.