

Orig. in Urbana, Ill., by the Illinois Agr. Expt. Sta. Introd. in 1958. Collins × Fanny; cross made in 1939 under the direction of M.J. Dorsey; selected in 1951; tested as Ill. 17. <b>Fruit:</b> size medium; round oblate in vertical section, round in transverse section; skin nearly covered with medium red over a bright-yellow ground color, thin, tough, with a very attractive smooth, glossy finish, lenticels inconspicuous; flesh yellowish, crisp, firm, fine­grained, juicy, mildly subacid, quality good; matures 3 1/2 weeks before Jonathan, or about 1 Aug. in southern Illinois; flavor somewhat less tart than Jonathan, which it resembles. <b>Tree:</b> upright-spreading; vigorous; productive; blooms 2 days after Jonathan; moderately susceptible to apple scab and cedar apple rust; susceptible to black rot; moderately resistant to natural infections of apple blotch, powdery mildew, and fire blight in the orchard. Recommended to extend the fresh-market season of Jonathan-type apples in commercial apple regions with a climate similar to that of southern Illinois.