Aurora Golden Gala™ (8S6923)
Mid-season yellow, dessert apple with excellent texture and keeping quality. Origin. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Summerland, B.C., by C. Hampson, R. MacDonald, H. Quamme, D.-L. McKenzie, and W.D. Lane. Splendour × Gala (Kidds D.8); cross made in 1981; tested as 8S-69-23. Fruit: medium; globose to globose-conic; weakly ribbed; skin thin to medium, tender, glossy, smooth, yellow or greenish-yellow sometimes having 10% or less light red blush; extremely crisp, firm, juicy, sweet; stores approx. 6 mo. Tree: moderate vigor; spreading habit with abundant spurs; very heavy fruit set requires prompt thinning; susceptible to apple scab; partially resistant to powdery mildew.