Orig. in Geneva, N.Y., by R.D. Way, KG. Livermore, and RC. Lamb, New York State Agr. Expt. Sta., Cornell Univ., and by L.F. Hough, Rutgers Univ, New Brunswick, N.J. Introd. in 1988. USPP 7118; 23 Jan. 1990. Jonamac × Vista Bella; cross made in 1969; selected in 1977; tested as NY 651. Named for its similarity in size, appearance, and quality to Empire, but ripens 6 weeks earlier. <b>Fruit:</b> medium, mostly about 60 to 65 mm in diam.; shape round and symmetrical; color attractive, nearly totally blushed red and without stripes; skin covered with a heavy waxy bloom; flesh light yellow; texture semi-firm; softens rapidly; flavor subacid, with a pleasing aroma; a late summer apple, ripens 6 weeks before Delicious; at -0.5 °C, stores 1 month. <b>Tree:</b> only 70% as large as many vigorous varieties; easy to manage in the orchard; heavily cropping; annual bearing; no known resistances to diseases and insects. Bloom: late midseason, between Delicious and Golden Delicious; diploid, produces viable pollen.